Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stone By Stone

I have a wall you cannot see
Because it's deep inside of me
it blocks my heart on every side
And helps emotions there to hide.

You can't reach in,
I can't reach out,
You wonder what it's all about.
The wall I built that you can't see
Results from insecurity.
Each time my tender heart was hurt
The scars within grew worse and worse.
So stone by stone,
I built a wall,
That is now so thick it will not fall.
Please understand that it's not you
Continue trying to break through.
I want so much to show my self
And love from you will really help
So bit by bit,
Chip at my wall,
Till stone by stone it starts to fall.
I know the process will be slow
It's never easy to let go
Of hurts and failures long ingrained,
Upon one's heart from years of pain.

I'm so afraid
To let you in;
I know I might get hurt again.

I try so hard to break the wall,
But seem to get nowhere at all.
For stone upon each stone I've stacked,
And left between them not a crack.

The only way to make it fall,
Is imperfections in the wall.
I did the best I could to build
A perfect wall, but there are still
A few flaws which are the key
To breaking threw the wall to me.

Please use each flaw
To cause a crack
To knock a stone off the stack.
For just as stone by stone it was laid
With every hurt and every pain,

So stone by stone the wall will break
As love replaces every ache.
Please be the one
Who cares enough
To find the flaws, no matter what.

written by Rachel Bently

when a girl
builds wall around her
it's not because
she avoid a man
or protect herself
... .
she does it
to find someone
who would be man enough
to break those walls
just to be with her..

Luna: I just wondering who's the man who are man enough to break my wall.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Adab bersahabat

1- Mengutamakan kawan lebih daripada diri sendiri

2- Menyimpan rahsia sahabat

3- Memberitahu pujian orang kepada sahabat

4- Tidak memberitahu celaan orang kepada sahabatnya

5- Memberi perhatian yang sungguh2 apabila dia bercakap

6- Jangan berbantah2 & berbalah2

7- Memanggil nama sahabat dengan nama yang disukainya

8- Menghargai dirinya

9- Jangan ingat kesalahannya tetapi ingatlah kebaikannya

10- Sentiasa memaafkan sahabat

11- Mendoakan sahabatnya

12- Jalinkan persahabatan hingga ke akhir hayat

13- Jangan memaksa kawan dengan beban

14- Selalu memberi salam

15- Melapangkan tempat duduk

16- Memberikan pertolongan tanpa diminta

17- Memberi nasihat terhadap kesalahan & kelalaiannya

18- Tidak mengungkit atau menyebut2 kesalahannya yang pernah dilakukan terhadap kita

19- Sentiasa baik sangka terhadapnya dengan memandang positif terhadap sikapnya

20- Berkasih sayang dengannya.Menjalinkan kasih sayang itu hingga ke akhir hayat.

21- Berkongsi kegembiraan dan kesedihan dengannya.

22- Berterima kasih di atas kebaikan sahabat terhadap kita.

Luna says: Inilah yg dapat dikongsi dengan readers semua.Aku cuba untuk menjadi kawan yg baik dengan adab2 ni sebagai panduan.Mencuba setakat yg termampu.Maaf,kadang2 sy pun ade kelemahan sendiri.